We have finally also put the English version of the new website for Deutronic elektronik GmbH online.
The main feature of this website, apart from the fact that it is multilingual in English and German, is the product module.
continue >We have finally also put the English version of the new website for Deutronic elektronik GmbH online.
The main feature of this website, apart from the fact that it is multilingual in English and German, is the product module.
continue >The new translator portal for The Native Translator is online. This portal is a major re-design of the original we created over two years ago. It supports 18 different language, including languages with non latin fonts such as Chinese, Korean, Japanese and Arabic.
continue >VVO, a financial investment broker, had their website made in Flash a few years ago. It never really got very good ranking with the search engines. Lately of course they also ran into the problem that their site could not be viewed by people using Apple’s new iPhone and iPad, as these devices do not support Flash.
continue >The website in Typo3 is dedicated to classical equestrianism and the International Training Centre for Classical Horsemanship run by Anja Beran with a small shop solution.
continue >With finest communication FSnD setup a new Typo3 Website for the Insurance Broker VDK Versicherungsservice. The main considerations for updating the existing website with the CMS Typo3 was to improve the acceptance by search engines
continue >FSnD in cooperation with finest communication re-built the Flash website for Benedikt Preisinger der Ofenbauer in Typo3. The original pages were fun to look at and to navigate, but the search engines hated them.
continue >The well known Internet Service Provider in Germany 1und1, also known as 1and1 in North America is experiencing severe problems with its network. This has resulted in outages for 1und1 customers’ email and websites.
The 1&1 outage also affected FSnD’s servers for a short while. So if any of our customers were having problems with accessing their emails, this is why.
if you want your website and thus your services to be found on the Web. If you do not advertise your company website and services on the Internet’s new Social Media platforms such as Google+, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Blogger/Blogspot and Delicious you will receive less visitors to your pages. It is no longer enough to just have a nice website or blog. The new media needs to be served too.
continue >The Anja Beran Typo3 website is multi-lingual in German and English. This site dedicated to equestrian pursuits features
continue >Together with the design agency finest communication FSnD has put another website online. Alpenzauber.eu
continue >FSnD has partnered with finest communication design agency in various projects. Now we have revamped the old flash webpage and replaced it with a modern website based on jQuery in Typo3 The site contains image sliders and different feature movies and animations. The navigation is done with a modern javascript menu. … continue >
In cooperation with the design agency finest communication FSnD has launched a new website for Betten Hess
The website has a modern jQuery navigation menu, lightbox images and includes feature movies.